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作者:张进1  陈笑艳2  吕玉梅3  李小杉4  谈冰心5  李妍慧5  叶雨秀5  卫艺璇5  邹弈萱5 
单位:1. 无锡市梁溪区北大街街道社区卫生服务中心 预防保健科, 江苏 无锡 214044;
2. 东南大学医院 全科医学科, 江苏 南京 210018;
3. 镇江高等专科学校 护理学院, 江苏 镇江 212028;
4. 南京医科大学附属无锡人民医院肺移植中心, 江苏 无锡 214023;
5. 南通大学 公共
关键词:父母文化程度 大学生 生殖健康 健康教育 知信行 回归分析 

目的: 了解大一新生生殖健康教育现状,分析父母文化程度对子女生殖健康教育及性态度、性行为的影响。方法: 于2019—2022年连续4年多阶段分层随机抽取江苏省20所高校的33 944名江苏籍大一新生,通过自制问卷在线调查大一新生生殖健康教育现状及性态度、性行为状况。采用多重线性回归及二分类Logistic回归模型分析父母文化程度对子女生殖健康教育及性态度、性行为的影响。结果: 子女生殖健康教育得分与父亲文化程度和母亲文化程度均呈正相关(均P<0.001)。父母文化程度对子女性态度的影响无统计学意义。父亲文化程度(β=-1.05,t=-3.429)为硕士及以上时,相对父亲小学及以下文化程度,子女首次发生性行为的年龄提前。结论: 父母文化程度对子女生殖健康教育与性态度及行为的影响存在知行不一的情况,应采取针对性措施加强青少年生殖健康教育,促进其形成正确的性态度和养成健康的性行为。

Objective: To understand the current status of reproductive health education for freshmen and to analyze the impact of parents 'educational level on their children's reproductive health education, attitudes towards sex, and sexual behavior.Methods: From 2019 to 2022, a multi-stage stratified random sampling method was used to select 33 944 freshmen from 20 universities in Jiangsu province for four consecutive years. A self-designed questionnaire was used to investigate the current status of reproductive health education, attitudes towards sex and sexual behavior among freshmen. Multiple linear regression and binary Logistic regression models were employed to analyze the influence of parents'educational level on their children's reproductive health education and attitudes towards sex and sexual behavior. Results: The score of reproductive health education for children was positively correlated with the educational attainment of both the father and the mother(all P<0.001). The influence of parents' educational attainment on the sexual attitude of their children has no statistical significance. When the father had a master's degree or above(β=-1.05, t=-3.429), the age of the children's first sexual behavior was earlier compared to when the father had gone primary school or below. Conclusion: There is a discrepancy between knowledge and action in the influence of parents' education level on reproductive health education, sexual attitudes and behaviors of their children. Targeted measures should be taken to strengthen reproductive health education among adolescents, so as to promote the formation of correct sexual attitudes and healthy sexual behaviors.


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