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基于Web of Science的母乳喂养社会支持研究热点的可视化分析
作者:林翠萍1  李鑫2  董莉3  张吉华1  高昌霞3  张月霞3 
单位:1. 南京市中西医结合医院护理部, 江苏 南京 210014;
2. 南京市中西医结合医院科教科, 江苏 南京 210014;
3. 南京市中西医结合医院妇产科, 江苏 南京 210014
关键词:母乳喂养 社会支持 Citespace 文献计量 可视化分析 研究热点 

目的 :梳理国际上母乳喂养社会支持相关文献的研究热点和趋势,为进一步开展相关研究提供参考。方法 :检索Web of Science核心数据库中建库至2022年12月所收录的母乳喂养社会支持相关文献,应用Citespace软件进行可视化分析并解读。结果 :共纳入1 256篇文献,发文量整体呈快速上升趋势。美国为发文量最多和学术影响力最强的国家。最高被引文章刊自《LANCET》,影响因子为47.831。研究热点为持续时间、纯母乳喂养、风险因素、产后抑郁症和护理等,研究趋势为社会支持促进孕产妇的心理健康作用机制和母乳喂养社会支持体系的构建。结论 :国内应重点关注对母乳喂养社会支持体系构建研究,尝试将母乳喂养社会支持放入统一的网络框架内进行探讨,并加强对各维度间连续性与可及性的研究。

Objective:To sort out the research hotspots and trends of social support for breastfeeding in the international literature, providing a reference for further related research.Methods:Literature related to breastfeeding social support collected in the core database of Web of Science from December 2022 were retrieved, visualized and analyzed by Citespace software. Results: A total of 1 256 papers were included, and the number of published papers showed a rapid rising trend. The United States is the country with the largest number of publications and the strongest academic influence. The most cited article was published in LANCET, and the impact factor was 47.831. The research focuses on duration, exclusive breastfeeding, risk factors, postpartum depression and nursing, etc. The research trend was the mechanism of social support to promote maternal mental health and the construction of social support system for breastfeeding. Conclusion: China should focus on the research on the construction of social support system for breastfeeding, try to put social support for breastfeeding into a unified network framework for discussion, and strengthen the research on the continuity and accessibility of various dimensions.


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