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作者:叶曼纯1 2  卢泽锋1 2  叶斯阳1 2  王双苗1 2 
单位:1. 广东医科大学 公共卫生学院, 广东 东莞 523109;
2. 广东医科大学 健康促进与医学传播学研究所, 广东 湛江 524023
关键词:医务人员 医学科普 行为意愿 影响因素 结构方程模型 

目的:了解医务人员医学科普参与意愿现状及其影响因素,为提高医务人员医学科普行为提供参考依据。方法:于2022年10~11月,按照2021中国卫生健康统计年鉴中工作年限<5年、5~9年、10~19年、20~29年医务人员24.9∶23.1∶23.1∶28.9的比例,招募调查对象6 994人。采用调查问卷收集基本人口学特征、经历、感知重要性、行为益处、感知社会支持、自我效能、行为障碍、态度、道德规范、社会规范、身份认同、医学科普参与意愿得分等信息。分析研究对象医学科普参与意愿现状,并采用结构方程模型分析医务人员医学科普参与意愿的影响因素。结果:本研究共得到有效问卷5 616份,有效率为80.30%,最终研究对象为5 616人。其中,临床医师占23.6%(1 325人),本科学历占40.3%(2 265人),副高级职称以上占23.5%(1 320人),工作年限在20年以上占27.3%(1 535人)。医务人员医学科普参与意愿得分为(3.89±0.96)分;结构方程模型大部分假设得到验证,态度、社会规范、自我效能对意愿有正向的直接作用(γ=0.33,γ=0.28,γ=0.42),行为障碍和行为益处通过态度间接影响意愿(γ=-0.47,γ=0.52),社会支持和道德规范通过社会规范间接影响意愿(γ=0.74,γ=0.30),感知重要性、身份认同和经历通过自我效能间接影响意愿(γ=0.29,γ=0.21,γ=0.55),以上均P<0.05。结论:当前医务人员医学科普意愿得分中等偏高,提升医务人员参与医学科普的态度、社会规范、自我效能、行为益处、社会支持、道德规范、感知重要性和身份认同,是促进医务人员参与医学科普的关键措施。

Objective:To understand the willingness of medical staff to participate in medical science popularization and its influencing factors, and to provide reference basis for improving medical staff's medical science popularization behavior.Methods: From October to November 2022, 6 994 medical staff were recruited according to the proportion of work years(<5 years∶5-9 years∶10-19 years∶20-29 years=24.9∶23.1∶23.1∶28.9) in 2021 China Health Statistics Yearbook. The questionnaire was used to collect 11 dimensions of demographic characteristics, experience, perceived importance, behavioral benefits, perceived social support, self-efficacy, behavioral barriers, attitudes, moral norms, social norms, identity, willingness to participate in medical science popularization, and to analyze the status quo of medical science popularization participation willingness of medical staff, and to analyze the influencing factors of medical science popularization participation willingness by structural equation model. Results:This study obtained a total of 5 616 valid questionnaires, with an effective rate of 80.30%, and the final research subjects were 5 616. Of whom 23.6%(1 325) were clinicians, 40.3%(2 265) had bachelor degree, 23.5%(1 320) had deputy senior title or above, and 27.3%(1 535) had worked for more than 20 years(3.89±0.96) points; Most of the hypotheses of structural equation model were verified. Attitude, social norms and self-efficacy had positive direct effects on willingness(γ=0.33, γ=0.28, γ=0.42), behavioral disorders and behavioral benefits indirectly affected willingness through attitude(γ=-0.47, γ=0.52), social support and moral norms indirectly affected willingness through social norms(γ=0.74, γ=0.30), perceived importance, identity and experience indirectly affected willingness through self-efficacy(γ=0.29, γ=0.21, γ=0.55), all P <0.05. Conclusion: The current medical staff's willingness to participate in medical science popularization is medium to high, and improving medical staff's attitude, social norms, self-efficacy, behavioral benefits, social support, moral norms, perceived importance and identity is the key measure to promote medical staff's participation in medical science popularization.


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