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作者:王芳  彭丹丹 
单位:东部战区总医院 国家肾脏疾病临床医学研究中心/全军肾脏病研究所, 江苏 南京 210016
关键词:慢性肾脏病 家庭照顾者 连带病耻感 心理脱离 心理痛苦 相关性 

目的 :分析慢性肾脏病患者家庭照顾者心理脱离、连带病耻感及心理痛苦的现状,探讨三者间的相关关系。方法 :采用基本信息调查表、心理脱离量表、中文版连带病耻感量表和心理痛苦温度计对489名慢性肾脏病患者家庭照顾者进行调查。采用Pearson相关性分析探讨三者的相关关系。结果 :共发放问卷489份,回收有效问卷456份,有效回收率为93.25%。456名患者家庭照顾者,年龄25~77岁,平均年龄(50.28±7.23)岁,其中男112名(24.56%),女344名(75.44%)。家庭照顾者心理脱离得分为(12.48±3.23)分,连带病耻感得分为(64.22±8.35)分,心理痛苦得分为(5.12±1.85)分。家庭照顾者连带病耻感得分与心理痛苦得分呈正相关(r=0.464,P<0.05)、与心理脱离得分呈负相关(r=-0.512,P<0.05);心理脱离得分与心理痛苦得分呈负相关(r=-0.504,P<0.05)。结论 :慢性肾脏病患者家庭照顾者心理痛苦处于中度痛苦水平,需要及时疏导和干预,且与连带病耻感、心理脱离间存在显著相关关系。临床工作人员应降低慢性肾脏病患者家庭照顾者连带病耻感,提高其心理脱离水平,对改善患者心理痛苦状况及维持心理健康有积极意义。

Objective:To analyze the status of psychological detachment, with stigma and psychological pain among family caregivers of patients with chronic kidney disease, and to explore the correlation among the three.Methods:489 family caregivers of patients with chronic kidney disease in our hospital were investigated by basic information questionnaire, Psychological Disconnection Scale, Chinese Version of Stigma Scale and Psychological Pain Thermometer. Pearson correlation analysis was used to explore the correlation between the three. Results: A total of 489 questionnaires were sent out, and 456 were effectively collected, with an effective recovery rate of 93.25%. The family caregivers of 456 patients ranged in age from 25 to 77 years, with an average age of(50.28±7.23) years, including 112 males(24.56%) and 344 females(75.44%). Family caregivers' psychological detachment score was 12.48±3.23, with stigma score was 64.22±8.35, psychological painscore was 5.12±1.85. The with stigma score of family caregivers was positively correlated with psychological pain score(r=0.464, P<0.05), and negatively correlated with psychological detachment score(r=-0.512, P<0.05). Psychological detachment score was negatively correlated with psychological pain score(r=-0.504, P < 0.05). Conclusion: The psychological pain of family caregivers of patients with chronic kidney disease is at the level of moderate pain, which needs timely counseling and intervention, and there is a significant correlation with stigma and psychological detachment. Clinical staff should reduce their stigma associated with disease as much as possible and improve their psychological detachment level, which is of positive significance to improve the psychological pain of patients and maintain mental health.


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