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作者:陆丽君1  汤卫红2  朱丽梅1  徐翠荣3 
单位:1. 东南大学附属中大医院 门诊, 江苏 南京 210009;
2. 东南大学附属中大医院 心血管内科, 江苏 南京 210009;
3. 东南大学附属中大医院 护理部, 江苏 南京 210009
关键词:门诊 老年慢性病 陪诊服务 需求 质性研究 

目的: 了解老年慢性病患者对陪诊服务意愿及其影响因素,为完善陪诊服务体系提供参考。方法: 对14例门诊老年慢性病患者进行半结构式访谈,运用Colaizzi七步分析法进行资料分析,提炼主题。结果: 提炼出2个主题:陪诊服务的需求(全程陪诊需求、心理援助、慢性病管理相关指导)和陪诊服务的影响因素(陪诊收费标准尚未统一 、陪诊人员的职业规范和评价体系尚未明确、适合门诊老年慢性病陪诊服务预约平台尚缺乏) 结论: 门诊老年慢性病患者陪诊服务需求较强,影响因素多。可依据患者实际需求为导向结合影响陪诊服务的因素,构建和完善陪诊服务体系。

Objective: To understand the willingness of elderly patients with chronic diseases to escort service and its influencing factors, and to provide reference for improving the escort service system. Methods: 14 elderly patients with chronic diseases were interviewed by semi-structured method, and the data were analyzed by Colaizzi seven-step analysis method. Results: Two themes were identified: the demand escort services(whole-process accompanying needs, psychological assistance, and guidance on chronic disease management) and the influencing factors of escort services(unharmonized fees for accompanying patients, lack of clarity on the professional norms and evaluation system of accompanying personnel, and lack of a booking platform suitable for accompanying elderly patients with chronic diseases in outpatient). Conclusion: There is a strong demand for escort service for outpatient elderly patients with chronic diseases, and there are many influencing factors. Based on the actual needs of patients, the escort service mechanism can be constructed and improved by combining the factors that affect the escort service.


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