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作者:蒋巧明  肖迎春 
单位:泰州市人民医院 血液净化中心, 江苏 泰州 225300
关键词:维持性血液透析 自我效能 运动恐惧 

目的: 分析维持性血液透析(MHD)患者运动自我效能在体力活动相关自我管理行为与运动恐惧间的中介效应。 方法: 选取2022年6月—2023年12月于泰州市人民医院血液透析室行MHD的380例终末期肾病患者为研究对象,采用一般资料调查问卷、体力活动相关自我管理行为评估量表(ES-SMBPA)、恐动症评分量表(TSK)以及多维运动自我效能量表(MSES)进行评估;采用Pearson相关性分析检验运动自我效能与运动恐惧、SMBPA之间的相关性,采用Process3.4检验运动自我效能在维持性血液透析患者运动恐惧、体力活动相关自我管理行为(SMBPA)之间的中介效应。 结果: 共回收有效问卷352份,问卷回收率为92.63%;ES-SMBPA评分为(22.01±4.39)分,处于较低水平; TSK评分为(31.35±5.93)分,处于较高水平; MSES评分为(69.85±9.03)分,处于较低水平;Pearson相关性显示,TSK总分与MSES总分呈负相关(P<0.05);而ES-SMBPA总分则与MSES总分呈正相关(P<0.05)。中介效应分析显示,运动恐惧通过自我效能对SMBPA产生显著的间接效应(-0.816,95%CI -0.925~-0.707),占运动恐惧对SMBPA总效应的46.26%。 结论: 对于MHD患者,自我效能与运动恐惧、SMBPA显著相关。同时,运动恐惧可以通过自我效能间接影响体力活动相关自我管理行为,提示有必要通过有针对性的干预措施早期减轻MHD患者的运动恐惧水平,以激发自我效能,提高患者体力活动相关自我管理行为,以改善患者预后,减少并发症的发生发展。

Objective: To explore the mediating effect of exercise self-efficacy between physical activity-related self-management behaviors and exercise fear in maintenance hemodialysis(MHD) patients. Methods: From June 2022 to December 2023, a total of 380 patients at the end stage of renal disease, who were receiving regular hemodialysis treatments at our hospital's dialysis unit, were chosen as the subjects for this study. The assessments were conducted using the exercise self-management behavior assessment scale(ES-SMBPA), the tampa scale for kinesiophobia(TSK), and the multidimensional exercise self-efficacy scale(MSES). Pearson correlation analysis was used to examine the relationship between exercise self-efficacy, exercise fear, and self-management behavior related to physical activity(SMBPA). Process 3.4 was utilized to test the mediating effect of exercise self-efficacy between exercise fear and SMBPA in maintenance hemodialysis patients. Results: The survey successfully collected 352 valid questionnaires, with a response rate of 92.63%. The ES-SMBPA score was(22.01±4.39), which was at a low level. TSK score was(31.35±5.93), which was at a high level. The MSES score was(69.85±9.03), which was in a low level. Pearson correlation showed that TSK was negatively correlated with MSES(P<0.05), and ES-SMBPA was positively correlated with MSES(P<0.05). The mediation analysis showed that exercise fear had a significant indirect effect on physical activity self-management behaviors through self-efficacy(-0.816, 95%CI -0.925 to-0.707), accounting for 46.26% of the total effect of exercise fear on physical activity self-management behaviors. Conclusion: For MHD patients, self-efficacy is significantly correlated with kinesiophobia and SMBPA. At the same time, exercise fear can indirectly affect SMBPA through self-efficacy, suggesting that it is necessary to reduce the level of exercise fear in MHD patients through targeted interventions, so as to stimulate self-efficacy, improve the SMBPA and the prognosis of patients, and reduce the occurrence and development of complications.


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