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作者:侯春婷1  陈兆红1  王洋2  赵威威1  林潘1  孙香玉1  申红1  李佳1  赵越1  季金杰1 
单位:1. 南京医科大学附属脑科医院 早期干预科, 江苏 南京 210000;
2. 南京医科大学 第四临床医学院, 江苏 南京 211166
关键词:青少年 情绪障碍 手机成瘾 多维度干预模式 

目的:探讨多维度干预模式在青少年情绪障碍患者手机成瘾中的应用效果 方法:选取2021年1—11月南京医科大学附属脑科医院早期干预科收治的180例青少年情绪障碍手机成瘾患者为研究对象。按照随机数字表分对照组与试验组,两组各90例。对照组患者接受常规护理干预,试验组在对照组基础上采用多维度干预模式。采用手机使用时长、手机成瘾指数(MPAI)、青少年手机成瘾度量表(MPATS)、焦虑自评量表(SAS)、抑郁自评量表(SDS)和儿童少年生活质量量表(QLSCA)对干预效果进行评价。 结果:干预后,与对照组比较,试验组手机使用时长[(2.37±1.27) h vs.(6.93±2.92) h]、MPAI评分[(26.99±6.38)分vs.(43.37±10.22)分]、MPATS评分[(41.62±5.41)分vs.(47.28±5.98)分]、SAS评分[(56.07±11.36)分vs.(55.17±9.21)分]和SDS评分[(48.89±7.96)分vs.(49.40±11.39)分]均显著减少(t=14.815, 15.205, 6.659, 6.469, 5.570, P<0.05),试验组QLSCA评分[(137.14±10.56)分vs.(144.99±10.75)分]显著降低(t=4.942, P<0.05)。结论:多维度干预模式可改善青少年情绪障碍患者手机成瘾程度,有助于缓解焦虑与抑郁程度,改善生活质量,有利于促进康复。

Objective: To explore the application effect of multi-dimensional intervention mode in mobile phone addiction in adolescents with emotional disorders. Methods: 180 cases of adolescent mood disorder with mobile phone addiction from January 2021 to November 2021 were randomly divided into the control group(90 cases) and experimental group(90 cases). The control group were received routine nursing interventions. The experimental group were received multi-dimensional intervention mode nursing. The daily mobile phone use time, mobile phone addiction index(MPAI), mobile phone addiction type scale(MPATS), self-rating anxiety scale(SAS), self-rating depression scale(SDS) and quality of life scale for children and adolescents(QLSCA) of 2 groups were compared before and after intervention. Results: After intervention, compared with the control group, the duration of cell phone use[(2.37±1.27) h vs.(6.93±2.92) h], MPAI[(26.99±6.38) vs.(43.37±10.22)], MPATS[(41.62±5.41) vs.(47.28±5.98)], SAS [(56.07±11.36) vs.(55.17±9.21)]and SDS[(48.89±7.96) vs.(49.40±11.39)]had decreased(t=14.815, 15.205, 6.659, 6.469, 5.570, P<0.05), QLSCA[(137.14±10.56) vs.(144.99±10.75)](t=4.942, P<0.05) had decreased in the experimental group. Conclusion: The multi-dimensional intervention model can be used in treat the mobile phone addiction in adolescents with emotional disorders by alleviating anxiety and depression, improving quality of life and promoting rehabilitation.


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