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作者:许诺1  周昔红2  赵静伊3  汤佳俊3  周冰2  贺琳妍2  刘秀芳3 
单位:1. 湖南中医药大学 护理学院, 湖南 长沙 410208;
2. 中南大学湘雅二医院 临床护理学教研室, 湖南 长沙 410011;
3. 中南大学 湘雅护理学院, 湖南 长沙 410013
关键词:孕期体重增长过度 风险因素 证据总结 循证护理学 


Objective: To retrieve, evaluate, and integrate the best available evidence on risk factors for excessive gestational weight gain, and to provide an evidence-based basis for clinical practice. Methods: According to 6S evidence resource pyramid model principle, a computerized search was conducted on excessive risk factors for excessive gestational weight gain from guideline websites, professional society websites, the evidence resource consolidated knowledgebase, and integrated databases. Types of literature include clinical decision-making, clinical practice guidelines, systematic reviews, Meta-analyses, expert consensus and randomized controlled trials. The search period is from the inception of databases up to June 2023. There were 2 researchers who evaluated the methodological quality of the literature, and extracted and integrated the evidence that met the requirements. Results: A total of 21 articles were included, including 2 clinical decisions, 2 clinical practice guidelines, 10 systematic reviews, 1 Meta-analysis, 3 expert consensus, and 3 randomized controlled trials. Finally, 25 pieces of evidence were formed in five categories, including physical and mental health, lifestyle, dietary regimen, cognitive ability and social support. Conclusion: The evidence summarised in this study on risk factors for excessive gestational weight gain has high quality. It can provide an evidence-based basis for clinical healthcare professionals to intervene in pregnant women with excessive weight gain during pregnancy and to promote maternal and child health.


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