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作者:周娟1  赖巧蓉2  张媛媛1  陈丹1  李月1 3  苏建萍1 
单位:1. 新疆医科大学 护理学院, 新疆 乌鲁木齐 830054;
2. 新疆医科大学附属肿瘤医院 妇科肿瘤放射治疗科一病区, 新疆 乌鲁木齐 830054;
3. 成都市第三人民医院 肾内科, 四川 成都 610014
关键词:宫颈癌 化疗 中青年 癌症复发恐惧 元认知 症状困扰 


Objective: To explore the current situation of fear of cancer recurrence in young and middle-aged patients with cervical cancer, and to analyze its influencing factors, so as to provide reference for clinical targeted management and intervention of fear of cancer recurrence. Methods: Using the convenience method, 228 patients with cervical cancer who were treated in a tertiary cancer hospital in Xinjiang from February to May 2023 were selected as the research objects. Questionnaires were conducted using the General Information Questionnaire, the Fearof Cancer Recurrence Inventory Short Form(FCRI-SF), the Metacognitions Questionnaire(MCQ-30), the M.D. Anderson Symptom Inventory(MDASI). Results: The FCRI-SF score was(14.52±5.62), and 57.02%of patients had a high level of fear of cancer recurrence. The results of univariate analysis showed that there were statistically significant differences in the scores of fear of cancer recurrence among patients with different age, education level, family per capita monthly income, and FIGO stage of cervical cancer(all P<0.001). Correlation analysis showed that fear of cancer recurrence was positively correlated with symptom distress(r=0.384,P<0.01) and metacognition(r=0.662,P<0.01). Multiple linear regression analysis showed that age, education level, FIGO stage of cervical cancer, symptom distress and metacognition were the influencing factors of fear of cancer recurrence, which jointly explained 75.5%of the total variation of fear of cancer recurrence(P<0.001). Conclusion: The fear of cancer recurrence in young and middle-aged patients with cervical cancer is not optimistic. We should focus on young patients with low education level and high disease stage,and consider formulating targeted interventions through symptom management and correcting the meta-cognition of maladjustment.


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