Objective: Assess the current status of dual coping, care burden, and quality of life among spouses of lung cancer patients, and analyze the pathway mechanisms among the three. Methods: Using the convenience sampling method, 331 spouses of lung cancer patients from 5 tertiary hospitals in Hebei Province from September 2022 to April 2023 were selected as the research subjects. A survey was conducted using a general information questionnaire, caregiver burden scale(ZBI), family caregiver quality of life scale(FAMQOL), and binary coping scale(DCI) to analyze the mediating role of binary coping in the care burden and quality of life of spouses of lung cancer patients. Results: The total score of spouse care burden for 331 lung cancer patients was(24.58±13.42), the total score of quality of life was(50.41±8.08), and the total score of binary coping was(127.20±18.16). The burden of care was negatively correlated with binary coping and quality of life(r values were -0.488 and -0.265, respectively, P<0.01), while binary coping was positively correlated with quality of life(r=0.419, P<0.01).The structural equation model results show that the care burden of spouses of lung cancer patients can negatively predict their quality of life, with an effect value of -0.183. Binary coping plays a partial mediating effect on care burden and quality of life, accounting for 40.72% of the total effect. Conclusion: Dual coping is a mediating variable between the burden of care and quality of life for spouses of lung cancer patients. Medical staff should implement intervention strategies based on the influence of binary coping pathways, attempting to construct a disease management intervention plan centered on spouses, in order to reduce the care burden on patients' spouses and improve their quality of life. |
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