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作者:吴艳  李炜虹  居锦芬  彭筠 
单位:南京市中心医院 妇科, 江苏 南京 210018
关键词:磁刺激 绝经后压力性尿失禁 盆底表面肌电评估 尿失禁生活质量问卷 


Objective: To investigate the clinical effects of pelvic floor muscle training combined with functional magnetic stimulation therapy on postmenopausal stress urinary incontinence(SUI) women. Methods: A total of 78 postmenopausal women with SUI were admitted and retrospectively studied. The patients were divided into observation group(n=38) and control group(n=40) randomly. The women in observation group were treated with pelvic floor muscle training and functional magnetic stimulation therapy, while the control group only received pelvic floor muscle training. The curative rate and the total effective rate of two groups were compared. The differences in surface electromyography(sEMG) of pelvic floor muscle and incontinence quality of life(I-QOL) score before and after treatment between two groups were analyzed. Results: The curative rate of observation group(86.8%) was much higher than that of control group(40.0%) (P<0.05).The sEMG assessments were improved in observation group after treatment in the fast muscle contraction maximum value, the tension contraction average value and the endurance contraction average value(P<0.05), while there was no significant difference in the control group. The difference in sEMG assessments after treatment between two groups was statistically significant(P<0.05). I-QOL score in behavioral restriction, psychological effect, social barrierand and total score were greatly increased in observation group after treatment(P<0.05). I-QOL score in observation group after treatment was superior to that in control group(P<0.05). Conclusion: Pelvic floor muscle training combined with functional magnetic stimulation therapy can more effectively enhance pelvic floor muscle strength of postmenopausal women with SUI, greatly relieve the symptoms of SUI, and significantly improve quality of life.


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