Objective: To explore the effect of abdominal functional exercise and timeliness incentive nursing on the quality of life and rehabilitation effectiveness in adult enterostomy patients, to understand the best nursing approach and to improve the quality of life and rehabilitation effectiveness of the patients. Methods: One hundred and fifty patients with enterostomy aged 50-80 years old were randomly selected and divided into A,B and C groups by lottery, with 50 patients in each group. Group A and group B were used as control groups and received abdominal functional exercise and time-effective incentive nursing respectively. Group C was used as observation group and received nursing method of abdominal functional exercise combined with time-effective incentive nursing. Results: Before the experiment, there was no statistical significance in pain indexes and other physical indexes of the 3 groups(P>0.05). After the experiment, the pain score, first eating time, recovery time, quality of life score and other indicators of the group C were much better than those of the first two control groups.Especially in terms of the first time going out, patients in Group C had an average of about 24 hours earlier than those in Group A and Group B. Conclusion: Combination of abdominal functional exercise and timeliness incentive nursing is the best method for the follow-up treatment of adult enterostomy patients, which can effectively improve the quality of life, accelerate the rehabilitation process, and shorten therehabilitation time of the patients. |
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