Objective: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of skin regeneration medical technology in treating chronic refractory wounds. Methods: CBM,Wanfang Database, CNKI, Cochrane Library, and PubMed database were searched by computer for randomized controlled trials of moist exposed burn therapy(MEBT)/moisture burn ointment(MEBO) in treating chronic refractory wounds. The search years were from January 2012 to April 2022. The literature was screened, the data was extracted, the Cochrane Scoring Manual assessed the quality of included literature, and the RevMan 5.3 software was used for Meta-analysis. Results: A total of 14 random control tests(RCTs) involving 1 228 patients were included. The experimental group was treated with MEBT/MEBO combined with conventional treatment, while the control group was treated with conventional treatment. Meta-analysis results showed that the wound healing rate of the experimental group was higher than that of the control group(RR=1.84,95%CI 1.50~2.26,P<0.001), and the effective rate of the experimental group was higher than that of the control group(RR=4.81,95%CI 3.18~7.27,P<0.001). The mean wound healing time in the experimental group was shorter than that in the control group(SMD=-1.39,95%CI -1.60~-1.17,P<0.001), and the time of granulation tissue appeared in the experimental group was earlier than that in the control group(SMD=-1.85,95%CI -2.15~-1.55,P<0.001). None of the studies reported adverse reactions and complications. Conclusion: MEBT/MEBO have good efficacy and high safety in treating chronic refractory wounds. However, due to the limitation of the quality and quantity of the included literature, the conclusion still needs to be further verified by more high-quality RCTs. |
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