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作者:沈爱玲1  阮征2  崔旭阳3  张渊3  宋娟4 
单位:1. 空军杭州特勤疗养中心疗养五区 外科, 江苏 无锡 214128;
2. 空军杭州特勤疗养中心疗养五区 疗养一科, 江苏 无锡 214128;
3. 空军杭州特勤疗养中心疗养五区 心理训练科, 江苏 无锡 214128;
4. 空军杭州特勤疗养中心疗养五区 神经精神科, 江苏 无锡 214128
关键词:疗养员 代谢性相关疾病 高尿酸血症 患病率 


Objective: To analyze the prevalence rate and trait of metabolic related diseases in a certain military convalescent personnel, provide reference for making health promotion plan. Methods: Physical examination data of 959 members of convalescent personnel from July 2018 to December 2021 were collected to analyze the prevalence rate and trait of metabolic related diseases. Results:497 of the 959 convalescent personnel suffered from metabolic related diseases, the prevalence rate was 51.82%.Ranked in descending order by the number of disease:238 cases(24.82%) were hyperuricemia, 138 cases(14.39%) were fatty liver, 122 cases(12.72%) were hyperacylglyceremia, and 97 cases(10, 11%) were abnormal liver function, 82 cases(8.55%) were hyperbilirubinemia, 71 cases(7.40%) were decreased bone mass, 53 cases(5.53%) were hypercholesterolemia and 50 cases(5.21%) were impaired fasting glucose.Diseases are superimposed on each other, 312 cases(32.53%) had one disease, 125 cases(13.03%) had two diseases, and 60 cases(6.26%) had three or more diseases. The prevalence rate was slightly different in different years, the first place was hyperuricemia.Among different ages, the prevalence rates of fatty liver, hyperacylglyceremia, abnormal liver function and hypercholesterolemia were statistically significant(P<0.05), and the prevalence rates were highest between 36 and 40 years old. There were no significant difference in the prevalence rate of hyperuricemia, hyperbilirubinemia, decreased bone mass and impaired fasting glucose(P>0.05). Conclusion: Hyperuricemia, fatty liver and hypertriglyceridemia are still the most common metabolic diseases in the convalescent personnel. 36 to 40 years old are the high-risk group. It is suggested that convalescent and other health rehabilitation institutions should carry out extensive and comprehensive health education on the prevention and treatment of metabolic diseases, and provide rational dietary structure to ensure the health for convalescent personnel.


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