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作者:刘蕾1  何春渝1  杨嘉欣1  蒋艳萍2  周均1  郑思婷1 
单位:1. 成都医学院护理学院, 四川 成都 610083;
2. 成都医学院第二附属医院 神经内科, 四川 成都 610066
关键词:卒中 衰弱 不良结局 死亡风险 Meta分析 

目的:系统评价脑卒中患者衰弱发生率及与不良结局的关系。方法:计算机检索PubMed、Web of Science、SCOPUS、The Corchane Library、CINAHL、EMbase、MEDLINE、中国知网、维普、中国生物医学文献数据库、万方数据库,检索时限为建库至2022年10月。采用Stata 16.0进行Meta分析,采用Egger's法判断发表偏倚。结果:最终纳入26篇文献。Meta分析结果显示,脑卒中患者衰弱的总体发生率为40%(95%CI 30%~49%),衰弱前期的总体发生率为45%(95%CI 34%~55%);亚组分析结果显示,女性脑卒中患者的衰弱发生率(35%)高于男性(28%);采用Tilburg衰弱量表进行评估时,脑卒中患者的衰弱发生率(75%)高于其他衰弱评估工具;亚洲地区脑卒中患者的衰弱发生率(48%)更高。衰弱与脑卒中患者不良结局关系:衰弱可增加脑卒中患者死亡的风险(OR=3.23,95%CI 2.13~ 4.90,P<0.01),衰弱较非衰弱脑卒中患者认知障碍风险增加4.98倍(OR=4.98,95%CI 1.69~14.71,P<0.01)。描述性分析结果显示,衰弱可导致脑卒中患者住院时间延长,增加再住院率和抑郁风险。结论:脑卒中患者的衰弱发生率较高,而衰弱前期的发病率则更高,衰弱可能是脑卒中患者不良结局的危险因素之一。

Objective: To systematically review the incidence of frailty in stroke patients and their relationship with adverse outcomes. Methods: A comprehensive search was conducted in electronic databases, including PubMed, Web of Science, SCOPUS, The Cochrane Library, CINAHL, EMBASE, MEDLINE, CNKI, VIP, SinoMed, and Wanfang Database, from inception to October 2022. The stata 16.0 was used for Meta-analysis and Egger's method was used to determine publication bias. Results: A total of 26 studies were included. The results of Meta-analysis showed that the overall incidence of frailty in stroke patients was 40%(95%CI 30%-49%), and the overall incidence of pre-frailty was 45%(95%CI 34%-55%). The subgroup analysis showed that the incidence of frailty was higher in female(35%) than in male(28%). Using the Tilburg Frailty Scale, the incidence of frailty in stroke patients was 75%, which was higher than that of other frailty assessment tools. Stroke patients in Asia have a higher incidence of frailty(48%). Association of frailty with adverse outcomes in stroke patients:frailty increased the risk of death in stroke patients(OR=3.23, 95%CI 2.13-4.90, P<0.01), and the risk of cognitive impairment in frailty patients was increased by 4.98 times(OR=4.98, 95%CI 1.69-14.71, P<0.01). Descriptive analysis showed that frailty in stroke patients can lead to longer hospital stays, increased readmission rate, and increased risk of depression in stroke patients. Conclusion: The incidence of frailty is higher in stroke patients, with a higher incidence of frailty in the pre-frailty stage. Frailty may be a risk factor for adverse outcomes in stroke patients.


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