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作者:龙锦花1  王幼芳1 2  郭乐3  方少梅4  邱丽文5  徐雪1 
单位:1. 贵州医科大学 护理学院, 贵州 贵阳 550025;
2. 广州市红十字会医院 消化内科, 广东 广州 510220;
3. 广州市红十字会医院 肝胆外科, 广东 广州 510220;
4. 广州市红十字会医院 胃肠外科, 广东 广州 510220;
5. 广州市红十字会医院 肿瘤内科, 广东 广州 510220
关键词:静疗专科护士 资质过剩感 组织支持感 绩效趋近目标导向 工作投入 链式中介效应 


Objective: To explore the influence mechanism of perceived overqualification on work engagement and the chain mediating role of perceived organizational support and performance approaching goal orientation. Methods: A total of 293 certified registered nurses of infusion in Guangdong province were investigated using general information questionnaire, scale of perceived overqualification, perceived organizational support scale, performance approaching goal orientation scale and work engagement scale, and the mediating effect was analyzed. Results: The average score of perceived overqualification of the certified registered nurse of infusion was 2.32±0.66, the average score of perceived organizational support was 3.72±0.57, the average score of performance approaching goal orientation was 3.69±0.66, and the average score of work engagement was 5.10±0.90. The analysis of mediating effect showed that the mediating effect between the perceived overqualification and work engagement of certified registered nurses of infusion was established, and the total mediating effect was 67.16%. The perceived organizational support and performance approaching goal orientation and their chain mediating effects accounted for 57.11%, 5.19% and 4.85% of the total effects, respectively. Conclusion: The perceived overqualification can directly affect the work engagement level of certified registered nurse of infusion, and directly affect the level of work engagement through the chain mediating effect of the perceived organizational support and performance approaching goal orientation. Nursing managers should pay attention to the negative impact of perceived overqualification, and guide certified registered nurse of infusion to build performance approaching goal orientation by creating a supportive work environment, so as to further improve the level of work engagement.


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