Objective: To analyze the articles in the field of health science popularization in China, understand the current situation and development trend of articles, and provide references for health science popularization and related research. Methods: The papers related to health science popularization included in China National Knowledge Infrastructure(CNKI) and Wanfang Data Knowledge platform from 2012 to 2021 were retrieved. CiteSpace 6.1.R3 visualization software was used to visually analyze the literature's keywords, authors, and institutions after removing duplicates.Results: A total of 1 721 articles were included for hot spot analysis. The number of research papers in the field of health science popularization in China showed a trend of first decreasing and then increasing. "Medical science popularization" and "health education" were the main research hot spots, and new media such as WeChat were the main communication channels. The role of experts in health science popularization was prominent, but there was no obvious core author group formed. Conclusion: Health science popularization research is developing vigorously in China. In the future, it is still necessary to improve the level of health science popularization with medical staff and hospitals as the main bodies, use the Internet platform to promote health science popularization with medical science popularization and health education as the main content, and improve the communication and cooperation among authors, so as to help the construction of healthy China. |
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