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作者:胡宏美1 2  黎巧玲1  杨聪2  华小倩3  邢梦莹2  陈思婕2  侯凤霞2 
单位:1. 西安交通大学第一附属医院 护理部, 陕西 西安 710061;
2. 延安大学 医学院, 陕西 延安 716000;
3. 杭州市第一人民医院 护理部, 浙江 杭州 310000
关键词:ICU患者 卒中相关性肺炎 肺康复 方案构建 

目的: 构建分级肺康复护理方案,预防ICU患者卒中相关性肺炎的发生。方法: 在文献研究和半结构访谈的基础上,构建预防ICU患者卒中相关性肺炎的分级肺康复护理草案。采用德尔菲法进行2轮专家函询,按照专家意见对条目进行修改。结果: 最终形成预防ICU患者卒中相关性肺炎的分级肺康复护理方案包括基础肺康复策略、一级肺康复策略、二级肺康复策略3项一级指标、15项二级指标、39项三级指标。结论: 构建的预防ICU患者卒中相关性肺炎分级肺康复护理方案科学可靠,可以为开展神经科ICU康复护理研究及实践提供借鉴。

Objective: To construct a graded pulmonary rehabilitation nursing program to prevent the occurrence of stroke-related pneumonia in ICU patients.Methods: Based on literature research and semi-structured interviews, a draft of graded pulmonary rehabilitation nursing for the prevention of stroke-related pneumonia in ICU patients was constructed. Two rounds of expert correspondence were conducted using the Delphi method, and the entries were revised according to the opinions of the expert correspondence.Results: The pulmonary rehabilitation nursing program for the prevention of stroke-related pneumonia in ICU patients was finally formed, including basic pulmonary rehabilitation strategy, first-level pulmonary rehabilitation strategy, and second-level pulmonary rehabilitation strategy, including 3 first-level indicators, 15 second-level indicators, and 39 third-level indicators.Conclusion: The graded pulmonary rehabilitation nursing program for the prevention of stroke-related pneumonia in ICU patients constructed in this study is scientific and reliable, and can provide reference for the research and practice of neurological ICU rehabilitation nursing.


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