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作者:赵芹  杨华  程洁  李楠楠 
单位:南京大学医学院附属鼓楼医院 消化科, 江苏 南京 210008
关键词:内镜鼻胆管引流术 短“O”改良固定法 护理 舒适度 


Objective: To investigate the application effect of short “O” modified fixation method and the influencing factors of patients' comfort after endoscopic external nasobiliary drainage. Methods: A total of 93 patients who underwent endoscopic nasobiliary external drainage were selected in our department from January 2021 to May 2022, among which 46 patients receiving short “O” modified fixation method were set as the experimental group and 47 patients receiving conventional fixation method were set as the control group.The data including age, gender, education level, preoperative liver function indicators, bile drainage volume,bile drainage rate, drainage time, nasal patch replacement times, unplanned extubation rate, visual analogue scale(VAS), skin pressure injury, etc., were compared between the two groups.Then patients were divided in two groups according to VAS no more than 3, then univariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis were conducted to analyze the influencing factors of patients' comfort after nasobiliary duct fixation. Results:There were no significant differences in gender, age, culture, preoperative liver function indicators, nasal patch replacement time, and bile drainage volume between the two groups(All P>0.05).Compared with control group,experimental group has shorter bile drainage time, less nasal patch replacement times,lower VAS and faster bile drainage velocity,there were statistically significant differences between the two groups(All P<0.05). The rate of unplanned extubation and skin pressure injury were all 6.38% in control group, and there is no occurrence of unplanned extubation and skin pressure injury in experimental group. There were 55 patients with VAS no more than 3 and 38 patients with VAS more than 3 points. Univariate analysis showed that patients' age, external nasobiliary duct length, frequency of nasal patch replacement, unplanned extubation, and pressure injury were the correlated factors influencing the patients' comfort after nasobiliary duct fixation(P<0.05).Furthermore, multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that external nasobiliary duct length was a main factor for the patients' comfort(P<0.05). Conclusion: The short “O” modified fixation method can increase the drainage speed, shorten the drainage time, decrease the number of nasal patch replacement, reduce the rate of unplanned extubation, and improve the nursing efficiency and patients' comfort, thus effectively promoting the recovery of patients.


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