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作者:郑燕蓉  林莉  毛月 
单位:首都医科大学附属北京友谊医院 老年医学科, 北京 100050
关键词:老年 慢性病 慢病共病 肌肉减少症 

目的:了解老年慢病共病体检人群肌肉减少症的发病情况,并探讨二者关系。方法:选择2018年1月至2020年12月在我院体检中心就诊的老年慢性共病患者1 026例,根据2014年亚洲肌少症工作组诊断标准判断肌肉减少症。采用Logistic回归分析肌肉减少症与慢性共病的关系。结果:1 026例老年慢性共病患者中肌肉减少症患者347例(33.82%);仅2种慢性病共存有390例(38.01%)、仅3种慢性病共存有387例(37.72%)、4种及以上慢性病共存有249例(24.27%);仅2种、仅3种、4种及以上慢性共病模式中肌肉减少症患者分别占15.90%(62/390)、31.78%(123/387)、65.06%(162/387),差异有统计学意义(P<0.001)。慢性共病种数、合并糖尿病、合并慢性阻塞性肺疾病、合并慢性肾脏病、合并慢性胃肠疾病进入回归方程。结论:老年慢性共病人群肌肉减少症较常见,共病种数越多肌肉减少症发生率越高。慢性共病种数、合并糖尿病、合并慢性阻塞性肺疾病、合并慢性肾脏病、合并慢性胃肠疾病可能与老年慢性共病患者肌肉减少症发生有关。

Objective:To investigate the incidence of sarcopenia in elderly people with chronic comorbidities, and to explore their relationships. Methods:A total of 1 026 elderly patients with chronic comorbidities were selected from the physical examination center of our hospital from January 2018 to December 2020. Sarcopenia was diagnosed according to the diagnostic criteria of Asian Working Group for Sarcopenia in 2014. Logistic regression was used to analyze the relationship between sarcopenia and chronic comorbidities. Results:Among 1 026 elderly patients with chronic comorbidities, 347(33.82%) had sarcopenia. There were 390 cases(38.01%) with only 2 chronic diseases, 387 cases(37.72%) with only 3 kinds of chronic diseases, and 249 cases(24.27%) with 4 or more chronic diseases. In patients with 2, 3, 4 or more kinds of chronic comorbidities, sarcopenia respectively accounted for 15.90%(62/390), 31.78%(123/387), 65.06%(162/387). The difference was statistically significant(P<0.001).The variety of chronic comorbidities, diabetes mellitus, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic kidney disease and chronic gastrointestinal disease which entered the regression equation were undergone difference analysis. Conclusion:Sarcopenia is common in elderly patients with chronic comorbidities. The more comorbidities, the higher the incidence of sarcopenia is. The variety of comorbidities, diabetes mellitus, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic kidney disease and chronic gastrointestinal disease may be related to the occurrence of sarcopenia in elderly patients with chronic comorbidities.


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