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作者:李本春  王应军  曹晓玉 
单位:阜阳市第二人民医院, 安徽 阜阳 236000
关键词:初治肺结核 服药依从性 危险因素 列线图 


Objective:To establish a drug compliance prediction model for patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. Methods:The pulmonary tuberculosis patients who were examined and first treated in the tuberculosis department of our hospital from January 2017 to June 2021 were selected as our research subjects, and their clinical data were collected. Single factor and multivariate regression analyses were used to analyze the influencing factors of poor medication compliance to establish a related nomogram model. Results:Age ≥ 60 years, low education level, self-payment, low score of SSRS, unsupervised medication, multiple types of medications, and adverse drug reactions were independent risk factors for poor medication compliance in newly treated pulmonary tuberculosis patients(P<0.05). Based on this, a nomogram model was established to predict the risk of poor medication compliance. The model verification results showed that the C-index was 0.819. And the calibration curve was close to the ideal curve. The area under the receiver operating characteristic(ROC) curve(AUC) was 0.839(95%CI:0.815-0.862). In the range of 1% to 78%, the net benefit value predicted by the nomogram was higher, indicating that the model had good predictive efficiency. Conclusion:There are many risk factors that lead to poor medication compliance in newly-treated pulmonary tuberculosis patients. Establishment of nomogram model based on risk factors can effectively predict the risk of poor medication compliance in these patients.


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