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作者:孙伟  吴伟 
单位:安徽皖北煤电集团总医院 内镜中心, 安徽 宿州 234000
关键词:老年患者 结肠镜 肠道准备 影响因素 

目的:评估门诊老年患者结肠镜检查前肠道准备质量及其影响因素。方法:选择2018年1月9日—2019年12月31日间于我院内镜中心进行结肠镜检查的≥65岁门诊老年患者210例作为研究对象。使用Boston肠道准备量表对肠道准备质量进行评分,根据评分结果将患者分为肠道准备良好组和肠道准备不良组。通过调取自制问卷调查表中患者基本信息、基础病史和既往结肠镜检查史、检查前24 h饮食情况、口服复方聚乙二醇电解质散情况、服药后大便情况等信息进行组间单因素分析,然后将单因素分析有意义者进一步行非条件二元Logistic回归分析。结果:肠道准备欠佳患者占比28.6%(60/210)。单因素分析显示教育程度低、平时便秘、规范服药、服药后未主动运动、末次大便浑浊或带渣、服药后至开始检查>6 h与肠道准备质量密切相关。多因素分析显示平时便秘(OR=6.326,95%CI:4.313~8.256)和末次大便浑浊或带渣(OR=2.126,95%CI:1.880~3.750)是肠道准备不良的独立危险因素,而规范服药(OR=0.406,95%CI:0.235~0.670)、服药后主动运动(OR=0.293,95%CI:0.091~0.835)是肠道准备的保护性因素。结论:门诊老年患者结肠镜检查前肠道准备不良并不罕见。平时便秘、末次大便浑浊或带渣会导致肠道准备不良,而通过合理的干预措施指导患者规范服药以及服药后积极主动运动可提高肠道准备质量。

Objective:To evaluate the quality of intestinalpreparation before colonoscopy and its influencing factors in elderly outpatients.Methods: A total of 210 outpatients over 65 years old who underwent colonoscopy in the endoscopic center at our hospital from Jan.9,2018 to Dec.31, 2019 were selected as the study subjects. The results of intestinalpreparation were scored using the Boston intestinal preparation scale, which divided 210 patients into groups with good intestinal preparation and those with poor intestinal preparation. The patients' basic information, basic medical history and previous history of colonoscopy, diet condition 24 hours before examination, oral compound polyethylene glycol electrolyte powder and stool condition after taking medicine were analyzed by single factor analysis, and then the non-conditional binary Logistic regression analysis was carried out. Results:The proportion of patients with poor intestinal preparation was 28.6%(60/210). A single factor analysis showed that low education, constipation, standardized medication, no active exercise after taking medicine, turbidity or residue of the last stool, >6 hours after taking medicine to start examination were closely related with intestinal preparation results. Multivariate analysis showed that constipation (OR=6.326,95% CI:4.313-8.256) and turbidity or residue of the last stool (OR=2.126,95% CI:1.880-3.750) were independent risk factors for poor intestinal preparation, while standardized medication (OR=0.406,95% CI:0.235-0.670) and active exercise (OR=0.293.95% CI:0.091-0.835) were protective factors for intestinal preparation. Conclusion: The incidence of poor intestinal preparation for colonoscopy in elderly outpatients is not rare. Constipation and turbid or dregs in the last stool will lead to poor intestinal preparation. Reasonable intervention measures to guide patients to take medicine regularly and active exercise after taking medicine can improve intestinal preparation quality.


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