Objective: To systematically evaluate the effect and safetyof holmium laser enucleation of the prostate (HoLEP)and transurethral plasma kinetic enucleation of the prostate (TUPKEP) in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Methods: PubMed, EMBASE, Web of Science, Wanfang Data Resource System, China Knowledge Network (CNKI) database and Weipu Chinese Journal Database were searched and the deadline was July 2,2019. Comparative literatures of HoLEP and TUPKEP in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia were obtained. The observation indicators included international prostate score (IPSS), quality of life score (QoL), international erectile function index (Qmax), perioperative outcome index and complication rate. Meta-analysis was performed by using ReviewManager 5.3 software.Results: A total of 11 articles were included, of which 1 was non-randomized controls and 10 were randomized controls. A total of 980 patients were enrolled, 491 in HoLEP and 489 in TUPKEP. Meta-analysis showed that the IPSS score[MD=0.13,95% CI(-0.08-0.34),P=0.21], QoL score [MD=-0.07,95% CI(-0.11-0.02),P=0.003], Qmax [MD=-0.04,95% CI(-0.30-0.23),P=0.79] were not significantly different between HoLEP and TUPKEP. In terms of safety, operation time of TUPKEP was shorter than that of HoLEP. Intraoperative blood loss was more, and hospitalization and bladder irrigation time of TUPKEP was longer than those of HoLEP, but there was no significant difference in the incidence of complications [OR=0.75, 95% CI (0.41-1.37), P=0.35].Conclusion: HoLEP and TUPKEP for benign prostatic hyperplasia have similar IPSS, QoL, and Qmax, and there are no significant differences in complications between the two approaches. In clinical practice, the best approach should be selected according to the actual conditions of the patients. |
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