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作者:任君红  曾莉  李晓悦 
单位:同济大学附属第十人民医院, 上海 200072
关键词:重症监护病房 护士 主观幸福感 


Objective: To understand the current situation of subjective well-being of intensive care unit(ICU) nurses and its influencing factors, so as to provide empirical basis and intervention clues for the development of intervention strategies.Methods: The general data questionnaire and general well-being scale were used to investigate the subjective well-being of ICU nurses in 10 hospitals in China, the current situation of the subjective well-being of ICU nurses was investigated, andthe influencing factors of the subjective well-being of clinical ICU nurses was analyzed.Results: The score of subjective well-being of ICU nurses was 69.78±14.21, which was of medium level. The results of multiple linear regression analysis showed that age, marriage, ICU unit and household registration were the influencing factors of subjective well-being of ICU nurses, and the differences were statistically significant (P<0.05).Conclusion: The level of subjective well-being of ICU nurses is in the middle level, which is affected by age, marriage, ICU units and household registration. Therefore, nursing managers should pay attention to it and take appropriate measures to improve the subjective well-being of ICU nurses.


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