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作者:林华珍  王惠云  董飞 
单位:宁波市海曙区第二医院 眼科, 浙江 宁波 315040
关键词:近视 周边视网膜变性 优势眼 眼生物测量值 相关性 


Objective: To study the correlation betweendominant eye,ocular biometric measurements and peripheral retinal degeneration of myopia. Methods: Ninety-three patients(135 eyes) with myopia peripheral retinal degeneration and 51 healthy control subjects were selectedfrom Marth 1,2016 and August 13,2017. 44 males,49 females,42 in both eyes,51 in monocular. The age, BCVA, effective corrective NCT, primary esthetic equivalent spherical mirror value, the pupil equivalent spherical mirror value, the lens adjusts the diopter number(primary esthetic-after pupil), CCT, ACD and AL were collected and analyzed. Using hole-in-card method to detect the dominate eye to analyze the correlation in the patients of peripheral retinal degeneration was found in monocular.Results: Mean value of lens regulation in peripheral retinopathy eyes is greater than healthy eyes,The difference was statistically significant(t=2.472,P=0.014),mean value of primary esthetic equivalent spherical mirror is greater than healthy eyes, the difference was statistically significant(t=2.308,P=0.002).The dominate eye and peripheral retinal degeneration are negatively correlated, The difference was statistically significant(t=-4.13,P<0.001). Primary esthetic equivalent spherical mirror and AL in case of peripheral retinal degeneration of one eye are present correlation,The difference was statistically significant(t=27.976,P<0.05).Age(P>0.05), sex(χ2=0.767,P=0.38), BCVA(P>0.05), effective corrective NCT(P>0.05), CCT(t=0.982,P=0.327), ACD(t=1.02,P=3.08), AL(t=1.552,P=0.222)had no correlation withperipheral retinal degeneration.Conclusion: There is a correlation between Myopia peripheral retinal degeneration and the enhancement of lens regulation and dominant eye. The prevention and early screening of peripheral retinal degeneration in myopia can provide reference.


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