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利用彩色多普勒超声对1 093例下肢深静脉血栓病例的流行因素分析
单位:郑州市骨科医院 功能科, 河南 郑州 450052
关键词:下肢深静脉血栓 彩色多普勒超声 流行因素 

目的: 分析下肢深静脉血栓(DVT)发生的流行因素,为临床诊断和预防提供参考。方法: 选取郑州市骨科医院2016年1月~2017年12月收治的1 093例下肢深静脉血栓病例为研究对象,利用彩色多普勒超声进行检查,并对诊断结果进行统计分析。结果: 1 093例下肢DVT患者中女性占比54.62%,发生率显著高于男性,女性DVT发生率与年龄呈正相关,而男性40岁后DVT发生率与年龄无明显相关性;女性对侧肢体发生血栓比例高于男性,且更容易发生多处静脉血栓;寒冷季节为下肢DVT发病高峰期,其中3月和7月分别达到最高峰和最低峰;患病1周以内患者小腿肌间静脉和胫后静脉的血栓发生率相对其他时间段较高,而患病2周以上患者胫前静脉和髂外静脉的血栓发生率对其他时间段较高。结论: 下肢DVT的发生和分布具有一定的流行特点,据此,临床医生可加强对高危患者和血栓频发部位的检查,合理分配医疗资源,提高患者预防意识。

Objective: To analyze the epidemiologic factors of deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and provide a reference for clinical diagnosis and presentation. Methods: A total of 1 093 DVT patients in Zhengzhou orthopaedics hospital between January 2016 and December 2017 were selected for for color Doppler flow imaging analysis. The diagnosis results were observed and analyzed. Results: Among the 1 093 DVT cases, approximately 54.62% were females, which was significantly higher than that of the males. The female cases had a positive correlation with the age, but no such correlation was observed in the males after 40 years old. Besides, the female cases were more likely to have blood clot in the opposite limb or multi-positions. The peak period of DVT came in cold season, and the most and least number of cases happened in March and July. Patients were more likely to have the blood clots within a week in their plexus venosus leg muscle and posterior tibial veins, while patients over two weeks were more likely to have the blood clots in their anterior tibial and vena iliaca veins. Conclusions: The occurrence and distribution of the lower limb DVT have a certain epidemic characteristic, according to which the clinician can strengthen the examination of the high-risk patients and the frequent parts of the thrombus, reasonably allocate the medical resources, and improve the prevention consciousness of the patients.


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