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作者:周贇  吕明丽  牛建梅 
单位:上海交通大学医学院附属国际和平妇幼保健院 超声科, 上海 200030
关键词:宫外孕 经阴道超声 子宫内膜三线征 输卵管环征 

目的: 探讨子宫内膜三线征联合输卵管环征对宫外孕的诊断价值。方法: 对我院2015年1月至2017年10月经阴道超声检查并经手术病理证实的1 216例宫外孕患者及907例宫内早孕患者的资料进行回顾性分析,对比两组患者的子宫内膜厚度、形态,附件区包块超声图像特征,评估子宫内膜三线征联合输卵管环征对宫外孕的诊断价值。结果: 子宫内膜三线征诊断宫外孕的灵敏度为36.47%,特异度为80.49%;输卵管环征诊断宫外孕的灵敏度为71.76%,特异度为91.95%;子宫内膜三线征联合输卵管环征诊断宫外孕串联实验的灵敏度为42.65%,特异度为98.79%;并联实验的灵敏度为90.88%,特异度为72.66%。结论: 子宫内膜三线征和输卵管环征可作为辅助诊断宫外孕的方法。

Objective: To investigate the diagnostic value of endometrial three-line pattern combined with tubal ring sign in ectopic pregnancy. Methods: The data of 1 216 patients with ectopic pregnancy and 907 patients with intrauterine pregnancy who underwent vaginal ultrasound examination from January 2015 to October 2017 and were confirmed by surgical pathology were analyzed retrospectively.The thickness and morphology of endometrium of the two groups were compared, and the features of ultrasound images in the accessory area were included. The diagnostic value of endometrial three-line pattern combined with tubal ring sign for ectopic pregnancy wasevaluated.Results: The sensitivity of endometrial three-line pattern for diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy was 36.47%, the specificity was 80.49%; the sensitivity of tubal ring sign for diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy was 71.76%, the specificity was 91.95%; the sensitivity of the series experiment of the endometrial three-line pattern combined with tubal ring sign for diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy was 42.65%, and the specificity was 98.79%;the sensitivity of the parallel experiment was 90.88% and the specificity was 72.66%. Conclusion: The endometrial three-line pattern and tubal ring can be used as auxiliary diagnostic methods for ectopic pregnancy.


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