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作者:宋朝晖1  李惠平2  许小蓉3  乔丽珍3 
单位:1. 柳州市人民医院 供应室, 广西 柳州 545006;
2. 柳州市人民医院 门诊部, 广西 柳州 545006;
3. 柳州市人民医院 放射科, 广西 柳州 545006
关键词:碘造影剂 渗出 利多卡因 不同剂型 


Objective:To observe the effect of lidocaine in different dosage forms on the treatment of iodine contrast exudation. Methods:Eighty cases of patients with exudation of contrast agent during CT examination were divided into group A(50% magnesium sulfate solution),group B(2% lidocaine solution), group C(2% lidocaine glue)and group D(5% compound lidocaine cream) according to the random-block method with 20 cases in each group. The total effective rate,markedly effective rate,initiation time of drug and healing time were observed in the four groups. Results:The total effective rate was 85%, 90%, 90% and 95%, the markedly effective rate was 15%, 45%, 50% and 60%,the initiation time of drug was (7.5±2.5), (6.0±2.1), (4.7±1.8), (3.6±1.5)h and the healing time was (36.5±5.4), (32.6±4.2), (29.2±3.8), (23.6±4.3)h in group A,B, C and D respectively. There was no statistically significant difference of the total effective rate between the four groups(P>0.05). Markedly effective rate in three groups with lidocaine was higher than that in group with magnesium sulfate(P<0.05). Conclusion:Compared with 50% magnesium sulfate solution and 2% lidocaine solution, 5% compound lidocaine cream and 2% lidocaine glue have the advantages of quick response, convenient to use for external treatment of iodine contrast exudation, which is worth further studying and promoting.


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