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作者:闻峰  陆明  郭春华 
单位:张家港市中医医院 外三科, 江苏 张家港 215600
关键词:脑出血 糖尿病 糖化血红蛋白 迟发性脑水肿 


Objective: To investigate the correlation between HbA1c level and delayed cerebral edema in cerebral hemorrhage patients complicated with diabetes mellitus. Methods:The clinical data of 70 cerebral hemorrhage patients complicated with diabetes mellitus treated in our hospital from January 2012 to October 2017 were retrospectively analyzed. According to the levels of HbA1c,the patients were divided into two groups: ≤ 8% was HbA1c normal group (n=35), and >8% was HbA1c abnormal group (n=35). According to whether developing to delayed cerebral edema, the patients were divided into no delayed cerebral edema group (n=50) and delayed cerebral edema group (n=20). The relationship between HbA1c level, hematoma volume, National Institute of Health Research (NIHSS) score and Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score and delayed cerebral edema in the patients with cerebral hemorrhage complicated with diabetes were investigated. Results:The NIHSS scoreof HbA1c normal group were lower than that of HbA1c abnormal group, hematoma volume in was smaller than that of HbA1c abnormal group,and the GCS score was higher than that of HbA1c abnormal group, and the difference was statistically significant (all P<0.05). HbA1c was positively correlated with NIHSS score and hematoma volume in cerebral hemorrhage patients complicated with diabetes, and negatively correlated with GCS score (all P<0.05). Three patients in the normal HbA1c groupoccurred delayed cerebral edema(8.57%), and 17 patients in abnormal HbA1c groupoccurred delayed cerebral edema (48.57%). The difference was statistically significant (χ2=13.720,P<0.05). Delayed cerebral edema in the HbA1c abnormal group was more seriousthan that of normal HbA1c group (Z=2.835, P<0.05). The NIHSS score, HbA1c level in patients withnodelayed cerebral edema were lower than those in patients with delayed cerebral edema,and hematoma volume was smaller than that in patients with delayed cerebral edema.The GCS score was higher than that in patients with delayed cerebral edema. The difference was statistically significant (P< 0.05).Conclusion: In patients with high HbA1c levels, the probability and severity of delayed cerebral edema after cerebral hemorrhage are higher. NIHSS score, GCS score, hematoma volume and HbA1c level can be used as a basis for presuming the probability of delayed cerebral edema in cerebral hemorrhage patients complicated with diabetes.


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