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作者:沈娟1  杜超1  朱传东2  丁怀银1 
单位:1. 东南大学附属第二医院 放射科, 江苏 南京 210003;
2. 东南大学附属第二医院 肿瘤科, 江苏 南京 210003
关键词:射频消融 膈顶部 腹腔镜 小肝癌 

目的:探讨CT引导下射频消融(CT-FRA)与腹腔镜下射频消融(L-RFA)治疗膈顶部复发性小肝癌的安全性、有效性以及两者费用差异。方法:根据治疗方案,将116例局部复发性肝癌患者分为CT-FRA组和L-RFA组,比较两组术中并发症、总生存时间、局部控制率、术后并发症、住院时间、住院费用。结果:两组在5年生存率(36.7% vs 44.6%,P=0.428 9)以及5年疾病控制率(73.3% vs 67.9%,P=0.889 7)方面差异无统计学意义;但与L-RFA组相比,CT-FRA组的住院时间更短(2.8 d vs 4.1 d,P<0.000 1)、住院费用更少(19 217.6元 vs 25 553.6元,P<0.000 1)。结论:对于膈顶部复发性小肝癌,CT-RFA和L-RFA都是有效的治疗手段,但CT-RFA相对简便且更经济。

Objective:Computed tomography-guided radiofrequency ablation (CT-RFA) and laparoscopic RFA (L-RFA) have been used to treat intrahepatic recurrent small hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) abutting the diaphragmatic dome. However, the therapeutic safety, efficacy, and hospital expense have never been compared between the two techniques due to the scarcity of the cases. Methods:In this retrospective study, 116 patients were divided into two groups with a total of 151 local recurrent HCC lesions abutting the diaphragm.We compared overall survival (OS), local tumor progression (LTP), postoperative complications, and hospital stay and expense between the two groups. Results:Our findings revealed no significant differences in 5-year OS (36.7% vs 44.6%, P=0.428 9) or 5-year LTP (73.3% vs 67.9%, P=0.889 7) between CT-RFA and group L-RFA. The overall hospital stay (2.8 days vs 4.1 days, P<0.000 1) and cost (¥19 217.6 vs ¥25 553.6,P<0.000 1) were significantly lower in group CT-RFA in comparison with group L-RFA. Conclusion:CT-RFA is relatively easy and economic for recurrent small HCC abutting the diaphragm, and both CT-RFA and L-RFA are effective techniques.


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