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作者:倪海锋  杨旻宇  弓玉祥  吕林莉  陈平圣  刘必成 
单位:东南大学肾脏病研究所/东南大学附属中大医院, 江苏 南京 210009
关键词:电镜 肾小球疾病 肾活检 病理诊断 


Objective: To analyze the necessity of electron microscopy for the diagnosis of glomerulopathies.Methods: 282 cases of renal biopsy from May 2016-May 2017 with some clinical data were retrospectively reviewed. The contribution of electron microscopy to the final diagnosis was graded as necessary(diagnosis could not be reached without it), supportive(it increased the level of confidence in the final diagnosis) and noncontributory(the diagnosis didn't need electron microscopy).Results: The contribution of electron microscopy to the final diagnosis was necessary in 48 cases(17.02%), supportive in 159 cases(56.38%) and noncontributory in 75 cases(26.60%).Conclusion: Electron microscopy still remains an important tool in diagnosis of glomerulopathies.


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