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作者:王艳  朱谦让  戴月  甄世祺 
单位:江苏省疾病预防控制中心, 江苏 南京 210009
关键词:膳食模式 营养 贫血 

目的:探讨江苏居民贫血与膳食模式之间的关系。方法:采用整群随机抽样的方法选取全省10个调查点10 944名居民进行一般情况调查、膳食调查及医学体检,采用因子分析法建立膳食模式,采用卡方检验比较不同模式因子得分分位数组间患病率,采用非条件logistic回归分析膳食模式对贫血的影响。结果:采用因子分析法分析得到四种主要膳食模式,传统模式、动物模式、豆类模式、快餐模式。其中传统和动物模式对贫血患病率有影响(P<0.05);调整混杂因素后发现,传统模式是贫血的保护因素(R=0.64),动物模式是女性贫血的保护因素(R=0.63)。结论:膳食模式对贫血患病率有影响,应从转变居民的膳食模式入手,通过采取针对性措施加强贫血的防治工作。

Objective: To learn the relationship between anemia and dietary patterns residents in Jiangsu Province.Methods: Totally 10 944 persons were randomly selected from 10 investigation sites, their general information, food intake and physical examinations were investigated. The dietary patterns were sorted with factor analysis.The under different quartiles of factor scores was compared with Chi-Squared test.The effect of dietary patterns on anemia was analyzed with logistic regression.Results: Four dietary patterns were categorized,traditionalChinese food mostly meat mostly fast food and legume.The traditional Chinese food and meat patterns were related to the prevalence of anemia(P<0.05).After multiple confounding factors were adjusted, it was indicated that traditional dietary pattern was the protective factor for anemia(R=0.64). The meat dominated pattern was the protective factor for anemia in women.Conclusion: Dietary patterns are related to anemia. Increasing the intake of legumes and controlling the intake of energy may play important roles in the prevention of metabolic syndrome.Changing people's dietary pattern and taking targeted measures can prevent control anemia.


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