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作者:潘竹  戴志宏  蒋逸秋  李杨  陶天奇  戴晗豪  桂鉴超 
单位:南京医科大学附属南京医院/南京市第一医院 骨科, 江苏 南京 210006
关键词:关节镜 踝关节 关节融合术 


Objective:To investigate the approach and clinical results of arthroscopic ankle arthrodesis. Methods:From March 2011 and July 2015, 19 patients(11 men and 8 women) underwent arthroscopic ankle arthrodesis. Mean age at surgery was 65.3 years(48-75 years). 12 cases were on the left side, 7 cases were on the right side. 4 cases were of severe osteoarthritis, 15 post-traumatic osteoarthritis. All the patients underwent preoperative ankle magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to assess the damage of ankle cartilage. Clinical outcome were assessed according to pre- and postoperative pain scores 1 year after surgery. Results:All the patients completed 24-36 months follow-up. There were no peri-operative complications such as poor healing of incision or infection. The average time for fusion was (12±1) weeks, with a range of 10 to 15 weeks. Preoperative pain scores(7.8±1.3), postoperative pain scores 1 year after surgery(2.1±0.9). The difference was statistically significant. Conclusion:In our study, arthroscopic ankle arthrodesis has resulted in good functional outcome with minimum and cosmetic incisions and a high fusion fate, worthy of clinical popularization and application.


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