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作者:黄捷晖1  秦建强2  吴庆盛3  周敏4  白金梅1  钱超1 
单位:1. 无锡市第五人民医院 呼吸科, 江苏 无锡 214007;
2. 无锡市长泾医院 呼吸内科, 江苏 无锡 214000;
3. 无锡市第五人民医院 双向转诊科, 江苏 无锡 214007;
4. 无锡市第五人民医院 肺功能室, 江苏 无锡 214007
关键词:慢性阻塞性肺疾病 患病率 危险因素 肺功能 

目的:了解无锡市慢性阻塞性肺疾病(简称慢阻肺)患病现状,分析其相关危险因素。方法:二阶段随机抽样法确定10个调查点,样本总量、各年龄层的设定参照中国慢阻肺患病率调查方法的研究设定,被调查者完成慢阻肺筛查问卷,总分大于9分的对象根据中华医学会呼吸病学分会慢阻肺诊治指南的诊断标准进行确诊,确诊患者参照呼吸困难量表(mMRC)进行呼吸困难程度评估,并调查最近1年内发生急性加重的次数,根据2013 GOLD指南的标准分为A、B、C、D 4组,并结合肺功能FEV1占预计值的百分比进行分级。结果:共发放慢阻肺筛查问卷2 500份,回收资料完整的共2 491份,其中筛查诊断慢阻肺201例,占调查人数的8.0%,其中A组87例(43.3%),B组25例(12.3%),C组53例(26.4%),D组36例(18.0%)。70岁及以上组与70岁以下各组的慢阻肺患病率比较差异有统计学意义;多因素Logistic回归分析结果显示,高年龄、吸烟指数大于200支·年-1、家族呼吸疾病史和生物燃料暴露史是发生慢阻肺的独立危险因素。结论:高年龄、吸烟、家族呼吸疾病史和生物燃料暴露史是慢阻肺的致病高危因素,早诊早干预,以降低其危害性。

Objective:To investigate the prevalence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease(COPD) in Wuxi city and to explore the related risk factors. Methods:Two stage sampling method was used to determine ten survey spots at random and the amount of total samples. Age groups were set up with reference to the methodology of China Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Prevalence Rate Survey Research. The subjects were interviewed with COPD screening questionnaires, whose score was more than 9 could be diagnosed COPD according guideline approved by Chinese Medical Association/respiratory disease branch. According to dyspnea scale (mMRC), the patients were divided into group A, B, C, Dwith dyspnea severity evaluated, as well as the investigation into the occurrence of acute exacerbation in the past years according to the 2013 Gold Guidelines, combined with pulmonary function of predicted percentage of FEV1. Results:2 500 questionnaires were sent to the subjects, a total of 2 491 full questionnaires were collected. 201 cases of COPD patients were diagnosed according to screening questionnaires, accounting for 8.0% of all subjects. Group A, B, C,D accounted for 43.3%(87 cases), 12.3%(25 cases), 26.4%(53 cases), 18.0%(36 cases) respectively. The prevalence rate of COPD was significantly higher among those over 70 years than those under 70 ages (P<0.05). Multiple Logistic regression analysis showed that the independent risk factors of COPD included age, >200 cigarettes·year-1, family history of respiratory diseases and biomass fuel exposure. Conclusion:The high-risk factors of COPD have been explored by epidemic investigations. Early diagnosis and intervention reduces its damage.


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